Fred turnovsky onz obe was born in prague in 1916. He arrived in new zealand in 1940, one hundred years to the day after first organised european settlement of new zealand.
Pada tahun 1942 oleh pemerintah jepang dijadikan sebagai pusat pendidikan pemuda yang dinamakan seinendojo. Akademi militer tanggerang yang secara taktis berada dibawah komando resimen 4 tanggerang dibentuk untuk mengatasi kekurangan kader.
its present incorrectness is astounding. It is not possible that assessment of the president's performance should be reduced to the question of how much money one makes or to the availability of gasoline.
The kingdom of Tonga, know as The Friends Island, is disytinctly different to its neighbouring island nations. It is the oldest and last remaining Polynesian monarchy and the only Pasific nation never ruled by a foreign power.
If there is one thing that tells you about life in the Cook Island it is the clocks that can be found in many public places. The numbers on the faces of these clocks are scrambled and make no sense at all. In the centre of the clocks are the Words : " Who cares?"
Under New Zealand's protection and control for 44 years, Western Samoa is the land where nature stopped a war before it began, where the land slopes gently from sparkling beaaches to hilly volcanis summits, and where the people, once cannibals, welcome strrangers with fgreat hospitality.
The Solomon Island - the land of headhunters, where cannibals ate human flesh and made human sacrifices to the spirits. This was a land where black magic was common- and, occansionally, can still be found today.
The land where the people are the second largest in the world; Where the national dress for men is a skirr - but the fact that the people are descendents of reformed cannibals is an excellent reason not to laught at them; where there id friction beetwen the two msin races of the nation; and where one finds coral reefs, tropical lagoons, and wide sandy beaches that make the islands a favourite a…
An oval-shaped coral island lying near the equator, the Republic of Nauru is the smallest republik in the world. The whole of Nauru is just 21.2 square kilometres size. Nauru lies in the western Pasific Ocean, 42km south of the equator . This gives Nauru a hot and humid tropical climate, but unlike other South Pasific paradises, Nauru's landscape is aridd and desolate.
Fakalofa Atu! Greetings! Welcome to Niue, the world's smallest self- governing state. Niue i sthe largest uplifted coral island in the world and, because of this, has a spectacular and remarkable landscape.