these aythors have a vision of what the whole critical thinking movement seems to be converging on
the right thing to do : basic readings in moral philosophy is the engaging companion reader to james rachels
Buku dengan judul Psikologi Kerja merupakan pengkajian mengenai kerja dari sudut psikologi baik yang teoritis maupun yang praktis. Buku ini disusun dengan maksud untuk menambah perbendaharaan buku-buku psikologi yang sudah ada dan untk menambah wawasan baik kalangan teoritis maupun praktis.
this book is a must for parents, parents-to-be, and their children.
In this probing exploration, rollo may argues that powerlessness is just as corrupting as is power: when people feel impotent they are likely to become either violent or sick.
teori dan praktek kepemimpinan oleh prof Dr Sondang P. Siagian, MPA KERANGKA DASAR ILMU ADMINISTRASI
We live in an age in which the word "positivism" is used mainly as a term of abuse, both by philosophers and by workers in many other disciplines in the arts and sciences.