latar belakang masalah penelitian iini sebagai berikut, kajian semiotika jarang digunakan dalam pembelajaran sastra, khususnya pengkajian novel, karya sastra yaitu novel dapat dikaji dengan kajian semiotika,.
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pemberlakuan kelas jauh atau daring di seluruh sekolah di Indonesia sebagaimana yang tercantyum dalam Surat Edaran Kemendikbud Nomor 4 tahun 2020 tentang Pelaksanaan Kebijakan Pendidikan dalam masa darurat penyebab Corona Virus Disease
Speaking Siklls are needed to communicate with other people by sharing points of view at differents times and places. Unfortunately , the students find it difficult to communicate or convey what they think using English.
The Purpose of this research is to know wether educational game application : " Si Belmi " effective or not in improving students writing recount text. The problem that students
This Study is aimed to explore the undergraduate students difficulties and how they cope with the difficulties in EFL academic writing. Academic writing is learned by undergraduate students to be well preapred in writing for academic
The Purpose of this study is to know the effectiveness of dictogloss negotiation technique and achievement in student writing recount text. In the previous research
This research examines the chal;lenges in vocabulary intervention on Junior High School EFL Student. Vocabulary is the basic of learning language the lack of student
Writing skill is important to be learned because writing is a way to convey ideas in written language and an indirect communication tool to express what someone thinks and feels.