Buku berjudul Teknologi Smart Home merupakan buku serial ke-24 sains dan teknologi peradaban islam penulis berusah memperkenalkan karya dalam teknologi smart home yang meliputi teknik geometri arsitektur.
Buku berjudul''Teknologi Fountain Dan Perpetual Fluite'' merupakan buku seial ke-23 sains dan teknologi peradaban islam.
Thw selection of issues that should rank high on the agenda of concern for human welfare and right is naturally a subjects matter. But there are a few choices that seem unavoidable because they bear so directly on the prospects for decent survival. Among them are at least these three.
The History Of Western From the Thirteenth to the eighteenth century has been called the Age Estates. This period saw the emergence and development of parliaments almost everywhere in Latin Christendom from ireland to Sicily and from Portugal to sweden.
This Book offers both a comprehensive history and up to date picture of the CIA, stressing the difficult balance between the genuie needs of national security and the protection of invidual liberties. At once facinanting and sobering.
When I retired as director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) in November 1997 and returned to stock holm , I Planned to write a book about the IAEA's Inspection experience in Iraq and North Korea.
This reprt of the Eminene Jurists Panel, based on one of the most comprehensive surveys on counter - terorisme and human rigth to date, illustrates the extence to which the response to the events of 11 sepetember 2001 have changed the legal landscape in countries around the world.
The First EDition this text was designed for business students and others who are interestted in the legal framework within business operate. Its purpose was to give an overview of the legal framework in New Zealand so that the principal areas where legal pitfalls were likely were likely to exist.
Given the one and a half million people in uniform who took an active part in the Gulf War it was, when compared with other conflicsts of the same or greater size, relatively short in duration aqnd, for the victors at least , surprisingly inexpensive in casualties.
Most Lawyesr would agree that a fair degree of myustery surroundrs their proffesin. Trust me, I'm a lawyer not only demystifies the legal proffesiion, it also tells you the client, hoe to get the best service your lawyers.