Since 1997 the center forn Australian and New Zealand Studies at Geogretown University in Washington DC has sponsored a series of Anzac lectures and Waitangi Adresses to observe.
South Africa transition to democrazy was one of the remakable events of the second half of the twentieth century - and it pro deced one of our era's most remarkable figures, Nelson mandela . But what comes next ? when the magic of mandela is no longer here, will the dream live on or will it become a nightmare?
Di dalam melihat sebuah peristiwa sepert bencana alam yang terjadi di Aceh dan Nias, kalau korban menuturkan pengalaman sendiri identik dengan "mata pertama ' dan jika para relawan menuturkan pengalamannya identik dengan " mata kedua ". Maka buku ini serupa dengan " mata ketiga " .